Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stain Remover Tips

I am terrible at removing stains from my laundry but I hate stains on my clothes. I hate stains on my daughters clothes as well even though I know its inevitable that she will get them dirty. Clothes are far to expensive these days to not take proper care of them.

My grandmother is the queen of stain removing. She can get any stain out of any article of clothing. I remember getting a large amount of gum all over my favorite shirt and she was able to remove every sticky ounce of it. I hope one day that I can be as amazing as she is.

I found this gem on Pinterest and thought I would share.(I will be printing this out and beautifying this with a gorgeous frame to hang in my laundry room)
If you have any other tips for removing stains I would love to hear about them!

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